
Ayres is a unique contribution towards creating a rich musical world, willing to bring together a multitude of coexisting musical cultures. Taylan Arikan (Anatolia) and Julio Azcano (Argentina), musicians living and working in Switzerland, have reached to consolidate a unique synthesis between the expanse of their own musical traditions and their extensive experience in the fields of Jazz and Classical Music.

Embedded in the mysterious sound alchemy of the ancient Anatolian lute and the contemporary classical guitar, Ayres integrates complex harmonies and rhythmic variety in compositions and improvisations that create an unusual chamber music experience: New music that flows between wistfully melodies and pulsating percussion, enticing compositions and free play – in the space between even and uneven.

"...each song is a testament to not only Azcano's and Arikan's virtuosity, but their musical sensibilities. What do we call this music? Jazz? New music? No label is needed to appreciate what they do with their instruments in creating landscapes and textures that need more than one listen to unravel. For those who like fine stringed instrument playing, "Ayres" is an excellent offering."


“…Avec une précision et une virtuosité inouïe, les deux musiciens insufflent des mélodies composées et des variations improvisées à des morceaux de musique intenses dans la plus pure tradition des spectaculaires rencontres de guitaristes de légende depuis 1980. L’interaction donne lieu à un imposant dynamisme sonore ainsi qu’à des dialogues passionnants entre deux instruments à cordes qui ne se rencontrent que rarement, et deux musiciens de talent dont le concert promet d’ores et déjà de grands instants de bonheur.”


„… Traditionelle Musik aus Anatolien und argentinisch-spanische Traditionals reiben sich aneinander, um sich am Ende wundersam zu umarmen. Die Musik von Ayres reisst einen aber auch weit über die beiden Hauptkulturen hinaus und lädt ein, sich einzulassen auf den Weltgeist atmenden Subtext der Songs. Die kulturelle Verschiedenheit des Duos steht dem Tonträger nur zu gut an. Raffinierte Harmonien und polyrhythmische Elemente konterkarieren die meditative Grundatmosphäre des Albums“

- St. Gallen Tageblatt